Rachel (Owner), Madison (Assistant), and Eric (The Muscle)
Our store offers a variety of goods at affordable prices. These include apparel, laser engraving, DIY craft kits, magnets, ornaments, accessories, craft supplies and custom orders. We strive to provide high quality goods and excellent customer service.
About Rachel:
Mom, wife, animal lover, crafty son of a gun, adventure seeking, bookworm, ambitious maker of pretty things. Fueled by coffee and wine.
About Madison:
Daughter of Rachel and Eric. The sweetest girl who believes in unicorns, loves her animals and books like her mama but loves tinkering and video games like her dad. The best helper and model a business owner could ask for.
About Eric:
A Jack of all trades. He can make things from furniture and light fixtures to building a website from scratch. He even knows how to do embroidery!
He's the muscle for our craft shows. The supporter of all of Rachel's crazy ideas. The one who helps make Rachel's crazy ideas come to life.